Thursday, June 28, 2012


TODAY the Internet has become a living part for many people through out the whole world. Everyone uses the Internet every day to conduct business, connect with friends family, get new updates and information, and to shop online. The Internet is also being used by malicious groups of peoples and individuals to target ordinary people to get the personal information and resources for economic profit and destruction of their computers.

The reality of the modern malware landscape is that hackers are more sophisticated than ever and are finding more insidious and stealthy ways to break into even the most secure environments. That said, it is essential that Internet users like you and me take their security into our own hands and practice safe computing anytime we’re online

Because of this, There are a handful of ways to added extra measures of protection to your online experience. Some of the Internet Security rules are related to restricting your family's behavior and the rest can be controlled with Norton Internet Security Software.


 There are hundreds of new computer viruses are created every month. Some are relatively harmless, but most are designed to delete files, compromise your confidential information, or damage your operating system. Both PCs and Macs are vulnerable, most computers come with Internet security already installed, but even the best suites can be compromised. To ensure yours is one step ahead of malware, be sure to keep your security software up-to-date. Don’t ignore those little pop-ups that tell you that an update is available. That update is what may save your computer from a future attack.


Most of us get dozens  of unsolicited emails every day. Some ones from friends or co-workers, can carry a bug, worm, or Trojan horse that can wreck our computers and also can stole our personal property and information. There is no software for it, security of your mails depends upon you If you get an email from someone you don’t recognize, or if the subject line or the purpose seems questionable -- don't open it. Instead, delete the email and any attachments.


Downloading is a part of the fun on surfing internet, its is downloading games applications and other kinds of softwares. but they are often the source of virus bugs and other malwares. so always be ready with updated softwares which can trace these viruses and use secure sites for downloading resources.


Between the online banking, shopping, and subscriptions accounts we maintain online passwords, it’s easy to be to create just one password for all of your accounts.  But from me its big NOOO.LETS imagine If someone does manage to get your password for a shopping site and after he thinks to try it on your bank account, you are just going to be dead. And also if we use different passwords with our birth dates, name etc. Then its also a dbig deal with your security, so always try to use a password with uppercase and lowercase mix letters and also use symbols and numerical. As we know it’s difficult remember all different passwords, so to overcome this problem and manage your all passwords there are some password manager sites. LastPass and Roboform are excellent services you can use to keep all your different passwords stored securely in one place, so you don’t have to memorize all of different passwords


 you are selected for our today’s draw to get your reward please click.! If it sounds too good to be true, you will probably going to click it. But don’t fall for these ubiquitous “click here” emails or social media campaigns because it’s likely you’ll end up with a virus or some other kind of malware. Even if you receive a forwarded email from a trusted source, be very cautious about opening embedded links and attachments.


today is the social networking world and daily millions of people make new friends on these social networking sites, and communicate with them. But be aware that the people you're communicating with might not be who you think they are. Just remember one thing Never give out your personal information (such as phone numbers, addresses etc.) via online forums like instant messages, email, and web forms anything. You know today 70% hackers use this method to attack on ordinary persons and FACEBOOK social network is the biggest way for this attack’s. I am not saying don’t use them but use them with care.


Although it may not look like too much, but all these Internet Safety and Security rules are actually easy to follow and obey and you have to obey them to be protected. By following them, you'll protect your family and friends, save your personal and other valuable data, save your money, time and frustration. In this article if anything going to be wrong we are sorry for that. If anyone wants include some other information in this article we will appreciate their feedback.


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